What causes prostate cancer?
Risk factors
Anything that increases your chance of getting a disease is called a risk factor.

Having a risk factor does not mean that you will get cancer; not having risk factors doesn’t mean that you will not get cancer.
Prostate cancer risk factors
Risk factors for prostate cancer include the following:
Age ≥ 60
Family history
Diet high in fat
Consuming alcohol
Infection and inflammation of the prostate

Others risks:
Tire plant workers
Exposure to paint & chemicals like cadmium

Age ≥ 60
Prostate cancer is very rare in men younger than 40

The chance of getting prostate cancer goes up quickly after a man reaches age 50

Almost 2 out of every 3 prostate cancers are found in men over the age of 65
Family history
Prostate cancer seems to run in some families

Men with close family members (father or brother) who have had prostate cancer are more likely to get it themselves, especially if their relatives were young when they got the disease

The risk is higher for men who have a brother with the disease than for those with an affected father
Some studies have found that obese men may be at greater risk for having more advanced prostate cancer and of dying from prostate cancer, but not all studies have found this
Most studies have not found a link between smoking and the risk of getting prostate cancer

A recent study linked smoking to a possible small increase in the risk of death from prostate cancer
Diet high in fat
Men who eat a lot of red meat or high-fat dairy products seem to have a greater chance of getting prostate cancer

These men also tend to eat fewer fruits and vegetables
Infection and inflammation of the prostate
Some studies have suggested that prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland) may be linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer

Some researchers have also looked at whether sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) might increase the risk of prostate cancer

So far, studies have not agreed, and no clear links have been made
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