Steps to Prevent Breast Cancer
Body mass index (BMI) less than
25: Maintain a healthy body weight throughout the life

Breast cancer risk significantly
increased by Weight gain in
midlife, independent of BMI

Post-menopausal breast cancer risk increased by elevated BMI
Avoid or Minimize alcohol
Breast cancer risk is increased by alcohol conception

Consuming more than one alcoholic beverage a day can increase breast cancer risk by 20%-25%(Harvard Nurses‘ Health study)
Fruits and vegetables should be
consumed as more as possible
The icons for breast cancer protection includes



Note: it is best to eat cruciferous vegetables raw or lightly cooked, as some of the phytochemicals believed to offer protection against breast cancer are destroyed by heat.
Regular exercise
Regular exercise, moderate aerobic activity or brisk walking provides powerful protection against breast cancer
Fats in diet
Breast cancer risk depends on type of fat present in the diet

-Reduce consumption of omega-6 fats which is rich in sunflower, safflower, corn and cottonseed oils
Abuse intake of omega-3 fats,
especially from oily fish like
salmon, mackerel
Consume monounsaturated oils which present in Olive oil

-Nuts or seeds

Select right carbs in diet
Diminish consumption of the high glycemic index

"Great White Hazards" :

-White flour

-White rice
White potatoes
Sugar & products containing them

These foods promotes cellular growth in breast tissue
Exchange these wrong carbohydrates by whole
grains and beans or legumes
Because Beans or legumes are rich in high fiber
Repeatedly consume whole food soy products
The products are:


Roasted soy nuts

Soy milk
Consume only organic, non- Genetically
modified soy
Epidemiologic studies ensures that positive association between soy consumption and reduced breast cancer risk
Reduce exposure to pharmacologic estrogens
(hormone) and xeno-estrogens
Should not take prescription
estrogens unless medically indicated

Lifetime exposure to estrogen plays a fundamental role in the development of breast cancer
Avoid estrogen-like compounds found in environmental pollutants, they are:


Industrial chemicals
Buy organic produce and thoroughly wash all non-organic produce

Reduce exposure to residual hormones found in non-organic dairy products, meat and poultry
Supplements to be taken daily
A multivitamin, 500-1,000 mg of vitamin C in divided doses, 200-400 IUs of vitamin E


Pharmaceutical grade
Fish oil
Take 200 mcg of the mineral selenium

If chronic medical condition then, take prescription drugs
Conserve a positive mental outlook
Engage in self-nurturing behaviors regularly

Develop rich, warm and mutually beneficial relationships with family and friends

Get adequate sleep 7-8 hours per night
Early detection
There are two early detection methods

Early finding or wakefulness of signs and symptoms in symptomatic populations to facilitate diagnosis and early treatment
Screening that is the systematic application of a screening test in a presumably asymptomatic population

It goals to identify individuals with an abnormality suggestive of cancer
Early diagnosis
Early diagnosis strategy can produce "down staging" that means increasing in proportion of breast cancers detected at an early stage of the disease
Mammography screening
An effective screening method

It lessens breast cancer mortality by 20 to 30% in women over 50 years old
Breast self examination (BSE)
The practice of BSE is to empower women, taking responsibility for their own health

BSE is recommended for raising responsiveness among women at risk rather than as a screening method
Breast self examination (BSE)
The practice of BSE is to empower women, taking responsibility for their own health

BSE is recommended for raising responsiveness among women at risk rather than as a screening method
Reduce the lifetime weight gain by eating fewer calories and getting regular exercise

Avoid or limit alcohol intake
Women who choose to breast-feed for at least several months may also reduce their breast cancer risk

Avoiding hormone therapy after menopause can also help avoid raising the risk
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